Friday, August 8, 2014

CIA and the secrets of brainwashing techniques

CIA and the secrets of brainwashing techniques
Aware by the fact that mind control power is the most powerful  weapon in the world, CIA began experimenting  brainwashing techniques to have control over the individual psyche. The objective of this technique is to erase the memory of the individual and to implement new beliefs. The practice of torture in order to induce a new state of shock among victims of these experiments is the one that sparked the outrage of American society. A long time, CIA experiments in the field of behavioral science were kept secret from american public opinion. The destruction of a large part of CIA documents regarding brainwashing techniques prevents us ,today, from learning the truth.

What are brainwashing techniques?
                  In his book entitled Brainwashing, Edward Hunter gives us a complete definition of what brainwashing technique means. According to his definition, the purpose of brainwashing technique is to change radically  a person's mind so that it becomes a living puppet or a human robot. Those who practice this technique, have the aim to create an individual with new faiths and beliefs compatible with their interests. Without  awareness , man becomes trapped in his own body, because a new thought process is installed. Brainwashing technique was useful in creating an individual who never revolts and listens to orders received from higher authorities that interacts with him (governments, organizations, institutions, officials.
                  The term of ”brainwashing” was first used during the Korean War (1950-1953) to describe the behavior of American prisoners returned from North Korean camps. In their technique of manipulation, the North Koreans have taken the concept ksi-no (cleaning the mind) applied in the Chinese Communism (Maoism),with roots in Confucianism (from the great  Mencius). U.S. commanders realized that some American soldiers returned from North Korean prisons were completely converted to communism, ready to denounce their own country. Their strange behavior continued after release, even without being subjected to communist influence. This negative effect on the morale of the soldiers, was baptized by Edward Hunter with the term of brainwashing. Hunter describes that these soldiers who had returned from North Korean prisons were no longer able to think freely and could no longer adapt to unexpected situations. Individuals subjected to this brainwashing techniques, were acting manipulated by their own instincts .It was a party discipline of North Koreans which extends to mind control. Brainwash is much more than a simple psychosis or neurosis. The technique is labeled with the term "mental rape" because the victim is forced by an attacker, whose intentions are to destroy the victim's faith in her old moral values, ​​to create an empty space in which to implant new beliefs.
CIA and his experiments in controlling human mind
                Between brainwashing technique and politics there is an interdependence that cannot be denied. Beyond being a technique, brainwashing, is a vision of how to hold supreme power over individuals, and yet there is no greater power than the power to control the mind of an individual. That explains the interest of CIA and other government bodies in this technique. Knowledge of Chinese and North Korean communists about brainwashing techniques have been an additional incentive for CIA to start immediately a research in behavioral science.
                MKULTRA was a CIA research operation started in the early 50s, with the support of the U.S. government in order to study the human mind control techniques. According to the report of Senator Sam Ervin from 1974, the CIA had targeted segments of the population such as African Americans, women, prisoners, the elderly, young and sick with mental illness. Regarding nationality, the subjects of the experiments were American and Canadian citizens.
                CIA Specialists in behavioral science have used various methods to manipulate individual mental state and alter their brain functions such as secret administration of potentially hallucinogenic drugs (LSD) and other similar chemicals, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, sleep deprivation, isolation, verbal violence and sexual abuse and various forms of torture such as skin sewing without anesthetic administration made by ​​torturer Dr. Lawrence Schacht. Beatings were common procedures in this picture.           CIA experiments were conducted in 80 institutions including universities, hospitals, prisons and pharmaceutical companies. . Heads of these institutions, where CIA conducted experiments, knew about the torture phenomenon.
                With regard to the horrors perpetrated by CIA in an attempt to control the human mind is advanced a conspiracy theory about CIA involvement in the case of mass suicide at Jonestown. where have been recorded 900 deaths(the second incident on  the number of victims in a deliberate attack after September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks). It supports the theory that the CIA housed in the Jonestown medical experiments. Former CIA Director Richard Helms ordered in 1973 (official year of the conclusion of the  CIA experiments in handling human mind) the destruction of all documents related to  Project MKULTRA. Due to this action of Helms, a small portion of the documents related to the project managed to survive. In the declassification in July 2001, some of the remaining 20,000 documents were declassified. Almost 6% of the funds received CIA went on funding Project MKULTRA.
                During the experiments in Canada, the CIA became interested in the work of the psychiatrist Ewen Cameron and his concept of mental start. .According to theories of Ewen Cameron, patients with mental illness can be treated by erasing the existing memory and rebuilding the psyche from the beginning. Mentally ill sedated with hallucinogenic drugs were forced to listen non-stop Cameron's message recorded on tape. Patients were regular subjected to a drug-induced coma.
                Cameron's methods were eventually used by the CIA as interrogation techniques for suspects who refuse to answer questions asked by CIA agents in an investigation. Cameron's research was included in a CIA interrogation manual for counterintelligence, called KUBARK. The main reason that the CIA has come to conduct all sorts of experiments, is due to too much autonomy granted by the American government. CIA hampered the access to classified documents for the US Congress Commission, intended to supervise the activity of the intelligence agency.
                CIA results obtained from behavioral experiments
                Although mobilized lot of resources, the CIA failed to gain full control of its experiments in brainwashing. As stated John D. Marks, author of the book, Manchurian Candidate, it is still too early to believe that the CIA gave up his plan of controlling the human mind. According to him "the best defense of a free society against unethical behavior modification experiments is public awareness."
                Despite the fact that the CIA failed to achieve the ultimate goal of complete control over the thoughts and actions of the individual, the U.S. agency has applied several techniques over the time (including electroshock), that can succeed in the end in  the future research in  erasing completely the human memory in order to install a new kind of thinking.
Kathleen Taylor , Brainwashing: The science of thought control , Ed. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2004,pp.3-10.

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